Agrodealers Trade Across Borders [ATAB]

Project Title: Agrodealers Trade Across Borders [ATAB]

Funded By: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Impact Area: Uganda – Kenya, Uganda – Sudan, Uganda-Rwanda and Tanzania – Kenya borders.

Dates: March 2012 – December 2012

Agrodealers Trade Across Borders Project was financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and managed by Chemonics International. It was implemented by AGMARK in partnership with Uganda National Agrodealer Association (UNADA) and Rwanda Seed Company with the intention of linking Agrodealers to grain traders and subsequently linking the traders to large buyers of grain and markets across the boarders from March 2012 to December 2012. This provided the crucial market link between the Agrodealers the traders and large grain markets in the region.
Agrodealers Trade Across Borders [ATAB] | Projects | AGMARK


To develop sustainable value chains and reduce poverty by increasing the capacity of at least 60 Agrodealers to serve farmers, hence the smallholder farmers access to competitive regional grain markets.


To support Agrodealers by building their capacity on grain bulking & aggregation and linking them to grain traders involved in cross boarders trade along the Uganda – Kenya, Uganda – Sudan, Uganda-Rwanda and Tanzania – Kenya borders.


1. Trained Agrodealers on grain standards, bulking and marketing, cross border trade requirements and standards.
2. Linked Agrodealers to grain traders.

Key Achievements


Agrodealers Trained on grain standards, bulking & marketing, cross border trade requirements & Standards


Agrodealers linked to cross border buyers


Agrodealers signing contracts with buyers


Smallholder farmers signing contracts with Agrodealers to supply Grain

0 MT

Grain sold by Agrodealers Across borders


Agrodealer Associations formed

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