Business Service Market Development Project [BSMDP]

Project Title: Business Service Market Development Project [BSMDP]

Funded By: Department for International Development (DFID)

Impact Area: Kenya – Kakamega, Bungoma, Butere-Mumias and Vihiga

Dates: May 2005 – August 2006
Business Service Market Development Project was supported by Department for International development (DFID) and implemented by Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) through its local affiliate Agricultural Market Development Trust (AGMARK) from May 2005 to August 2006 in Kakamega, Bungoma, Butere-Mumias and Vihiga in Western Kenya.

As a result of the business management , technical training and credit guarantees, stockists were able to increase the products available to the farmers. This in turn increased sales and profitability of the stockists.
Business Service Market Development Project [BSMDP] | Projects | AGMARK


To strengthen the delivery of dairy inputs and veterinary services to smallholder dairy farmers.


To increase accessibility and affordability of dairy inputs and services by smallholder farmers and thereby improve productivity, incomes and food security.


1. Trained Animal Health technicians in Artificial insemination (AI).
2. Supported Animal health technicians acquire AI kits continue to provide services to farmers.
3. Trained Agrodealers in Business Management and Technical knowledge on Dairy Inputs.

Key Achievements


Agrodealers Trained in business Management


Agrodealers trained on Dairy inputs


Smallholder farmers trained on Dairy inputs


Field days Conducted


Exhibitions Conducted


Smallholder farmers participating in field days & exhibitions


Artificial insemination & veterinary service providers trained

0 MT

Artificial inseminations facilitated


Dairy Input Companies Participating

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