Deepening Agrodealer Impact In Coastal Kenya [DAICK]

Project Title: Deepening Agrodealer Impact In Coastal Kenya [DAICK]

Impact Area: Kenya – Kilifi and Kwale
Dates: March 2013 – February 2016
The aim of the proposed intervention was to deepen Agrodealer impact in Kilifi and Kwale counties in the coastal region of Kenya, by replicating some of the successes realized during the implementation of the Kenya Agrodealer Strengthening Project KASP that began to address constraints like; weak smallholder links to markets, Missing Intermediate Distributorship Arrangements, Lack of or Limited Basic Knowledge of Soil Fertility Issues and Absence of Agrodealer Outlets.
Deepening Agrodealer Impact In Coastal Kenya [DAICK] | Projects | AGMARK


Deepen Agrodealer impact in the target counties and increase productivity through use of improved seeds and yield-enhancing inputs


1. Expand Agrodealer Distribution Networks through Hub & Spoke Agrodealer Growth Model.
2. Facilitate Increased use of improved Seed and Fertilizer.
3. Facilitate smallholder farmers’ access to market through Agrodealers.


1. Training Agrodealers on business management, proper use and application of fertilizer, basic soil sampling and testing, output marketing.
2. Demand creation activities on use of improved seed and fertilizer i.e. demonstration plots, field days/exhibitions, linkage meetings.

Key Achievements


Agrodealers Trained on basic business management, proper use and application of fertilizer, basic soil sampling & testing


Improved seed & fertilizer Demonstration plots established


Field Days/Exhibitions Conducted


Smallholder farmers trained on Agricultural Best practices


Agricultural input Supply companies participating


Financial institutions participating

0 MT

Improved seed sold through trained Agrodealers

0 MT

Fertilizer Sold through Trained Agrodealers


Agrodealers trained on output marketing

0 MT

Grain Produce Sold by Agrodealers


Agrodealers Associations Formed

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