Improving the Productivity and Incomes of Smallholder Farmers in Western Kenya
Project Title: Improving the Productivity and Incomes of Smallholder Farmers in Western Kenya
Funded By: Rockefeller Foundation
Impact Area: Kenya – Siaya, Vihiga and Bungoma
Dates: February 2004 – February 2007
Improving the productivity and incomes of smallholder farmers in western Kenya project was supported by Rockefeller Foundation and implemented by Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) through its local affiliate Agricultural Market Development Trust (AGMARK) from February 2004 to February 2007 in Siaya, Vihiga and Bungoma in Western Kenya.
CNFA and AGMARK worked to improve the Agricultural inputs and information delivery system to increase availability, affordability and use of productivity enhancing farm inputs and services for smallholder farmers.
CNFA and AGMARK worked to improve the Agricultural inputs and information delivery system to increase availability, affordability and use of productivity enhancing farm inputs and services for smallholder farmers.

To increase smallholder farmer’s agricultural productivity and household incomes.
1. Improving the delivery of inputs, and information about the inputs, to smallholder farmers.
2. Utilizing a “Financial Services Innovation Fund” to pilot experiments in expanding availability of credit both to the farmers and to the regional wholesalers and stockiest on whom they depend for supply of inputs.
2. Utilizing a “Financial Services Innovation Fund” to pilot experiments in expanding availability of credit both to the farmers and to the regional wholesalers and stockiest on whom they depend for supply of inputs.
1. Developed Agrodealer training modules in Business Management, product knowledge, safety and use.
2. Developed credit scheme for smallholder Rice farmers.
3. Developed credit guarantee facility for Agrodealers.
4. Developed farmers saving & lending community program purchase of inputs.
5. Developed Market–based Inputs subsidy voucher program for the Millennium Village Project (MVP).
6. Developed Agrodealer database and GIS Maps.
7. Trained Agrodealers on Business Management, product knowledge, safety and use.
8. Linked Agrodealers and smallholder farmers to agricultural input suppliers.
9. Conducted improved agricultural inputs’ demand creation activities (Establish demonstration plots).
2. Developed credit scheme for smallholder Rice farmers.
3. Developed credit guarantee facility for Agrodealers.
4. Developed farmers saving & lending community program purchase of inputs.
5. Developed Market–based Inputs subsidy voucher program for the Millennium Village Project (MVP).
6. Developed Agrodealer database and GIS Maps.
7. Trained Agrodealers on Business Management, product knowledge, safety and use.
8. Linked Agrodealers and smallholder farmers to agricultural input suppliers.
9. Conducted improved agricultural inputs’ demand creation activities (Establish demonstration plots).
Key Achievements
Agrodealers Trained in business Management
Agrodealers trained on Product Knowledge, Safety and use
Farmer Groups Developed
Demonstration Plots on improved seed and fertilizer established
Field days/Exhibitions Conducted
Smallholder farmers trained on Agricultural best practices
Agri input supply companies participating