Program To Increase Fertilizer Availability And Usage In Ghana, Mozambique And Tanzania

Project Title: Program To Increase Fertilizer Availability And Usage In Ghana, Mozambique And Tanzania

Funded By: Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
Impact Area: Ghana, Mozambique and Tanzania
Dates: January 2012 – January 2016
The African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP) is a collaboration between the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Agricultural Market Development Trust – Africa (AGMARK). These partners are working together to promote the development of sustainable fertilizer markets in Africa and have designed AFAP to specifically increase Private Sector Participation and Investment in their ongoing initiatives.
Program To Increase Fertilizer Availability And Usage In Ghana, Mozambique And Tanzania | Projects | AGMARK


To establish more competitive and sustainable markets capable of providing African smallholder farmers with the incentive, initiative and capability to source and use fertilizer to improve crop production and food security.


1. Expand the supply of fertilizer.
2. Increase finance in the fertilizer distribution channel.
3. Strengthen smallholder farmer demand.
4. Improve market transparency.
5. Leverage AGRA funding to raise an additional $50 Million in donor support.


1. Promoting and developing of the HUB Agrodealer model.
2. Capacity building of HUB Agrodealers, involved in distribution of fertilizers and other agricultural Inputs.
3. Capacity Building of Local Intuitions engaged in small holder agricultural programs.
4. Technical support to the Mozambique Agrodealer development Program (MADEP).
5. M&E activities for AFAP in Ghana, Tanzania and Mozambique.
6. Development of an Agrodealer Program for Limpopo Province of South Africa.
7. Representing and Advancing the AFAP agenda at workshops, meetings and agricultural trade fairs.
8. Ivory coast- Assisting AFAP to implement fertilizer distribution program through APC mechanism under Sustainable Trade Initiative (STI), assessment of fertilizer distribution system and level of Agrodealers development focusing on challenges facing sector.

Key Achievements


Hub Agrodealers Trained in Ghana, Tanzania and Mozambique on business management

Other Key Achievements

1. Development of the M&E system.
2. Trained staff on data management.
3. Developed proposal to train Agrodealers in Limpopo province.
4. Training of trainers for business development providers from Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, and Ivory Coast under the West Africa Fertilizer Program.
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