Seeds For Development [S4D]

Project Title: Seeds For Development [S4D]

Funded By: United States Agency for International development (USAID)
Impact Area: South Sudan
S4D was funded by United States Agency for International development (USAID) Implemented by International Fertilizer Development Centre (IFDC) in Partnership with AGMARK and South Sudan Government-ministry of Agriculture.

Vision for S4D: Food security for all people of South Sudan in order that they can enjoy an improved quality of life, environmental and economic prosperity.

Mission for S4D: To transform agriculture from the traditional subsistence system to achieve food security through a scientific, market oriented, competitive and profitable agricultural system without compromising the sustainability of natural resources for future generations.
Seeds For Development [S4D] | Projects | AGMARK


The Goal of the Agrodealer/agent component of the S4D program, Sub-contracted to AGMARK, was to increase smallholder incomes and food security through use of productivity enhancing farm inputs.


To increase the number of smallholder farmers with positive attitude – “mindset change” – through exposure to agricultural inputs and also Increase the number of retail outlets and appropriate pack sizes of agricultural inputs thereby to upscale their volumes retailed, as an attraction to the private sector players to participate.


1. Strengthened the Agrodealer/Agrodealer Agents Capacity to Serve Smallholder Farmers.
2. Improved Financial Services for Agrodealers and their Farmer Customers.
3. Sustained Small Agribusiness Public-Private Policy Dialogue.

Key Achievements


Agrodealers trained on business management, product knowledge and safe use


Agrodealers trained on output marketing


Demonstration plots Established –Improved seed & fertilizer


Field Days/Exhibitions/Trade Fair Conducted


Smallholder Farmers trained on Agricultural best practices


Vouchers given to farmers


Agrodealers particpating in the voucher scheme


Smallholder farmers receiving Vouchers

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