Sustainable Smallholder Cross Border Trade Integration [SSMATI]

Project Title: Sustainable Smallholder Cross Border Trade Integration [SSMATI]

Funded By: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Impact Area: Kigezi and Eastern regions of Uganda

Dates: January 2010 – May 2011
The Competitiveness and Trade Expansion Program (COMPETE) was financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and managed by Chemonics International. It was implemented by AGMARK in partnership with Uganda National Agrodealer Association (UNADA), with the intention of integrating smallholder surplus production in Kigezi and the Eastern Regions of Uganda into the Rwanda and Kenya cereals value chain respectively, through Agrodealers located in the two regions.
Sustainable Smallholder Cross Border Trade Integration [SSMATI] | Projects | AGMARK


To develop sustainable value chains and reduce poverty by increasing smallholder farmers’ access to commercial staple foods markets


To integrate smallholder surplus production in Kigezi and Eastern regions of Uganda into Rwanda and Kenya cereals value chain through Agrodealers in this regions.


1. Trained Agrodealers on output marketing, cross border requirements.
2. Sensitized smallholder farmers on market requirements.
3. Linked Agrodealers to financial service.
4. Linked Agrodealers to cross border grain buyers to formally trade.
5. Linked smallholder farmers to Agrodealers to purchase surplus produce.

Key Achievements


Agrodealers trained on output marketing and cross border requirements


Field days/Trade Fairs conducted


Smallholder farmers sensitized on market requirements

0 MT

Grain sold by trained Agrodealers to larger buyers


Agrodealers receiving investment grants

0 Agrodealers

Signing contracts for supply of grain

0 Smallholder farmers

Signing contracts for supply of grain

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